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Pediatric Dentist in Bergenfield: When Do Baby Teeth Start Falling Out?

June 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilemorekidzteam @ 3:39 pm

Close-up of view of baby teethChildren hit a lot of milestones, starting with the simplest things like grasping a bottle or starting to walk. Especially for new parents, this can be a time of concern about whether they’re developing normally and hitting those milestones at the same time as other children their age. As for losing baby teeth, you may have heard from other parents that losing the first tooth earlier than age 5 is a bad sign, or that their children didn’t lose their first tooth until age 7. But what would a pediatric dentist in Bergenfield have to say on the matter? Keep reading to find out!

When Is It Normal To Start Losing Baby Teeth?

You’ll be relieved to know that there’s a wide range of “normal” for children to start losing teeth, with the average being around age 6. Having said that, it’s certainly not considered abnormal if the first tooth falls out as early as age 4 or as late as age 7!

Also, it’s interesting to note that the teeth generally fall out in the same order they came in, so the first teeth to become loose are usually the two lower front teeth.

If your child has a wiggly tooth at age 3, it’s not necessarily a sign that something abnormal is going on, but it’s still a good idea to schedule an appointment with a children’s dentist in Bergenfield.

In some cases, there’s been a fall or other type of trauma that causes the tooth to become prematurely loose. In any case, a dentist will be able to assure that everything is normal and there’s nothing to worry about.

Should You Try To Pull a Tooth When It Becomes Loose?

In general, you won’t need to help a tooth fall out. They usually become loose enough on their own that they’ll come out naturally while eating or from your child gently wiggling it with their fingers.

However, it’s not unheard of for a baby tooth to be a bit “stubborn.” If it’s been loose for quite a while and simply isn’t falling out or if a permanent tooth has started to come in over it, you may want to contact a ‘pediatric dentist near me’ to take a look.

They can either pull it or advise you to wait a bit longer. Either way, your child will be looking forward to a visit from the tooth fairy soon!

About the Author

Dr. Darren Tong is an award-winning pediatric dentist in Bergenfield and a father of five. He understands the many concerns that come with raising children, like whether their baby teeth are falling out on time or not. He’s always able to put both children and their parents at ease and is happy to answer any questions they may have. If you’d like to know more, he can be reached via his website or at (845) 859-6060.

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